Is There A Cost To Working With A Health Insurance Broker?

“Is there a cost to work with me? “ I hear this question often! Let me be the first to tell you, it costs you nothing to work with a health insurance broker like me. But what you gain from doing so is priceless in terms of saving time, understanding your options and getting the most out of your benefits.

That being said many wonder how do health insurance brokers get paid. Watch the video or enjoy the article below as I clear up this mystery and bring you and your wallet peace of mind.

It's my passion to help you navigate and simplify the maze of selecting health insurance coverage. Many wonder how I get paid, but they're often shy to ask. Here's the bottom line. It does not cost you one cent more to work with me than trying to do it on your own.

Here's how it works.

I get paid when you pay your insurance premium bill the carrier intern pays me a percentage of your premium in commission. I receive that commission every month after you make your payment.

The big takeaway:

The rates that you would receive from working with me are the same exact rates you would get if you went direct to the carrier on your own.


Each carrier has what is called an override built into their rates?

The override is there in the event a broker like me is involved. So the rate is the same no matter. There are no Savings in premiums by doing it yourself and you're more likely to spend more time trying to understand and evaluate your options with a high chance of confusion and frustration.

So now that you know how I as a broker room compensated. Let me share how I can help you. I take a consultative approach to learn your needs. Everyone's situation is different.

With the information I gather from our conversation. I do the research and quoting using the multiple carriers I'm appointed with to narrow down the best options based on your specific needs. I then present them to you in a clear and concise way. From there, we talk through each option and determine the right carrier and plan.

Next we get you enrolled and using your new benefits. Lastly you're now part of the Magnolia family.

We are just a call away! When you're ready to simplify the maze of health insurance, let's chat.


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